Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Fighting for the computer

What can I say?! She realy loves computers!


karis stapley said...

Too funny! I can't believe how big she is getting & her hair is getting so long! I love it, very pretty!

Etus said...

Megzabalom, a kis meregzsak! :) Nagyon nagyon vicces es edes! :) Mostanabn el vagy maradva a kepekkel, nem mintha telhetetlen lennek, de: MEG MEG MEG MEG RAKJAL FEL KEPEKET! :)

Travis and Tyra Russell said...

K that is too funny Bea. Kids are so fun! My kids do the same thing. Brig thinks its funny to come up and click the mouse all the time. Its amazing the things he can already open up. lol Cute pics girl.

Kontakt said...

Vegre uj kepek Beus, mar nagyon vartam! Es milyen nagy lett a kis csöpseg, es hogy milyen szep es kis cuki kislany. Te jo eg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!