Berlyn was adorable! She loved her cake as you see, she was so happy to see her present, everything was perfect.
I cannot believe how fast time goes by. She was just a tiny new born and now she is trying to walk. She is the greatest blessing in our life. She is so funny and she has a really special personality ( that's what everybody is telling me so far). We enjoy every minute with her.
Just a few things about her:
-She loves her plush animals, she gives them hugs all the time.
-She likes watching Baby Einstein DVDs.
-She is pointing at everything and wants us tell her what it is.
-She likes watching me dance.
-She adores her Daddy! I can not give Lafe a hug without her pushing me away from him.
-She understands a lot of words (in Hungarian of course). She already says: dog, milk, eat in Hungarian. The only thing that she says in English is bye-bye.
-She shakes her head if she does not want something (which is better than screaming but she does it a lot).
-She sings in her car seat (so cute).
-She loves books and she can point at things in the book. Sometimes I see her reading a book, she is pointing and talking at the same time! She is so smart!!!
OK, I guess that's it. I guess I am just a proud Mom.
Na vegre, uj post, es nem is akarmilyen!!! Utolag is Boldog Szulinapot Berlyn-nek! Olyan cukiiiiiii! Es olyan nagy mar! A tortas kepek egyszeruen imadnivaloak! Keeeesz! :)
Happy Birthday Berlyn!! She is such a cute little girl! We need to get together again soon.
Wow! Happy 1ST Birthday Berlyn!! I can hardly believe it! She is so adorable & growing so fast! She's a doll! I remember when she was a newborn, heck, I remember when you were pregnant with her & yes, my how time flies!I really can hardly believe it!
Hope you guys are doing well there in good 'ol AZ & Bruce Ct. is holding up well with out us too!j/k
Such cute pictures Bea! She is so adorable! We are all proud parents! LOL. Kids are great! Glad she had a good one!
naaaaaaaa, el sem hiszem!!!! mekkora lett Berlyn! Boldog szülinapot neki!!
Annyira édesek a képek! cuki ez a kiscsaj! imádnivaló!
We were thinking of little Berlyn on Sunday. Sorry to miss the festivities. Boy, does time fly -- she's getting so big!
Nagyon okos a kis Berlyn, vagyis nem is olyan "kis"lany mar :-)
Remelem, hogy jol vagytok.
Majd dumcsizzunk mar egyett Bea!
Happy Birthday Berlyn!! :) Wow, time sure flies, doesn't it?! You captured some PRICELESS pictures of your little sweetie, I LOVE her smile! She is so happy and excited. I have said this before, but seriously... what a DOLL!! :)
Holy crap! I can't believe she's already one! You guys need to get crackin on another one.
Wow! I can't believe it has been a year! She is getting so big. It has been to long since we have seen you guys! Hope all is well with you guys!
Love ya guys!
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