-Hey Berlyn,
-Do you wanna go for a walk?
( Hej Berlyn, akarsz menni setalni?)
-Do you wanna go for a walk?
( Hej Berlyn, akarsz menni setalni?)
She loves going for a walk, she gets so excited when she sees the stroller, ha-ha-ha, I am just kidding, she probably really doesn't care as long as she isn't bored.
Oh, and I put a blanket on her, just in case, you know she could freeze, it is Arizona afterall:)
Oh, and I put a blanket on her, just in case, you know she could freeze, it is Arizona afterall:)
( Szeret menni setalni, teljesen izgatott lesz, mikor meglatja a babakocsit, aaa, nem is, csak viccelek am, csak annyira erdekli, hogy ne unatkozzon. Es igen, raktam ra takarot, nehogy megfagyjon, ez meg is csak Arizona)
(Amikor a kezeivel jatszik, akkor neha ledugja oket, es hany, szoval a kezebe raktam egy jatekot)
She loves tummy time...for about two minutes, then she reacts as seen in the photo above
(Szeret a hasan tolteni az idot, kb. ket percig. Aztan az tortenik, ami a fenti kepen lathato.)
(Szeret a hasan tolteni az idot, kb. ket percig. Aztan az tortenik, ami a fenti kepen lathato.)